Our Surveyors are appointed on the basis of their:
Proven expertise and experience in marine surveying, particularly cargo. Their skills also extend to other classes such as non-marine, aviation and even personal lines such as travel insurance.
Expertise, integrity and local standing.
Willingness to comply with stringent service levels when conducting surveys or adjusting claims, thereby ensuring that their customers receive the highest standard of service.
Participation in the continuous training and development programmes.
These are aimed primarily at improving the basic skills of cargo surveyors. Additional initiatives are continually being introduced in order to enhance existing skills to ensure that Surveyors will meet the insurance and trade demands of the 21st century.
Access to in-house staff surveyors and detailed knowledge of local independent experts for cases when specialist knowledge is needed.

Lloyd's of London Agents

American Institute of Marine Underwriters (A.I.M.U)
Average Agents for:

Verein Hanseatischer
Transportversicherer e.V., Germany

Association of Dutch
Insurers, The Netherlands

The Nordic Association
of Marine Insurers (CEFOR), Norway

International Marine
Underwriters, U.S.A.

The Baloise Insurance
Company, Switzerland

Allianz Global Corporate
& Specialty AG (AGCS), Germany

Axa Winterthur, Switzerland

Royal & SunAlliance Insurance
Group Plc., United Kingdom
We also act for several insurance groups and companies worldwide.