Being correspondents to a large number of P&I Clubs is an activity that has been closely associated to the Albano Agency history. |
P & I Correspondents in the Azores Islands for:
- Alandia Marine - Försäkringsaktiebolaget Alandia, Mariehamn - American Steamship Owners Mutual P&I Association, Inc. - Assurance Foreningen Gard (Gjensidig) - British Marine Mutual Insurance Association Ltd. - China Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association (China P&I Club) - Kish Protection & Indemnity Club - Korea Shipowners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association - Noord Nederlandsche P+I Club - Nordisk Skibsrederforening (Northern Shipowners' Defence Club) - QBE HongKong & Shangai Insurance Ltd - Schutzeverein Deutscher Rheder V.a.G. - Sveriges Angfartygs Assurans Forening (The Swedish Club), Sweden - The Charterers P&I Club, United Kingdom - The Japan Ship Owners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association - NorthStandard Limited - The North of England P+I Association Ltd. (Now part of NorthStandard) - The Standard Steamship Owners Protection & Indemnity (Now part of NorthStandard) - The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association Ltd. - Transmarine Mutual Strike Assurance Association Ltd. - Zeller Associates Management Services GMBH. |